WHTJEON / narrowvine

The Ultimate Widevine Content Ripper (KEY Extract + Download + Decrypt)
MIT License
97 stars 50 forks source link

name 'KEY_PROMPT' is not defined #17

Closed joostshao closed 3 years ago

joostshao commented 3 years ago

trace: Traceback (most recent call last): File "narrowvine.py", line 251, in decrypt_content() File "narrowvine.py", line 177, in decrypt_content parse_key(KEY_PROMPT) NameError: name 'KEY_PROMPT' is not defined question: what's the meaning and how to slove it ?

➜  narrowvine git:(main) ✗ python3 narrowvine.py
**** NARROWVINE by vank0n **** (Linux Detected)
Enter MPD URL:
> https://dowuwd6v9jrq0.cloudfront.net/E37EB7-606def4b92c59c2cc4284972/1618935677/607efd760e9b6757d475ba43.mpd
Enter License URL:
> https://licensing.bitmovin.com/licensing
Enter WideVineDecryptor Prompt:
> 2a8b1f24-2c3c-4ab1-adeb-2b89af5171f0
WHTJEON commented 3 years ago

It clearly says in the README file that extracting keys ONLY works for Windows and you are using linux. If you want to use in linux, you need a Windows machine with a custom CDM installed Chrome with widevine-l3-decryptor extension. It's way more complicated and ultimately you need a Windows Machine so Linux is not supported officially. Use Windows.

WHTJEON commented 3 years ago

And by the way, your license url is wrong.