[IEEE RA-L 2024] CoFiI2P: Coarse-to-Fine Correspondences-Based Image-to-Point Cloud Registration
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Regarding the projection of point clouds onto images #6

Closed LoveMYChen closed 1 month ago

LoveMYChen commented 1 month ago

Hello, may I ask if you have added code to project point clouds onto corresponding images based on true and predicted values?

martin-liao commented 1 month ago

Please refer to code. You could modify the code according to your own needs

LoveMYChen commented 1 month ago

I modified the code in train.exe to project the point cloud onto the image and display it, but there were only a few points and all the projected points were concentrated in the upper left corner, which did not achieve the same effect as the legend in your paper. Do you know how to solve this problem?

martin-liao commented 1 month ago

Show me your projection code, please.

LoveMYChen commented 1 month ago

def project_and_display(pc_points, T, K, img):


pc_points_h = np.hstack((pc_points, np.ones((pc_points.shape[0], 1))))
pc_cam = np.dot(T, pc_points_h.T).T[:, :3]

# 使用相机内参进行投影
pc_img = np.dot(K, pc_cam.T).T

# 归一化齐次坐标
pc_img[:, 0] /= pc_img[:, 2]
pc_img[:, 1] /= pc_img[:, 2]

# 转换为图像坐标
img_coords = pc_img[:, :2].astype(np.int32)

# 显示图像
img_with_pc = img.copy()
for coord in img_coords:
    if 0 <= coord[0] < img.shape[1] and 0 <= coord[1] < img.shape[0]:
        cv2.circle(img_with_pc, (coord[0], coord[1]), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)

cv2.imshow('Point Cloud Projection', img_with_pc)
This is my code!
martin-liao commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the late reply. I will help you project the point clouds onto the image plane now.

martin-liao commented 1 month ago

Since your project code is not available in this issue, I have pasted the code in the e-mail here:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch

def test_acc(model, testdataloader, args):

t_diff_set = []
angles_diff_set = []
topk_list = torch.zeros(6, 5)
count = 0
mode = 'val'
for step, data in enumerate(testdataloader):
    if count >= 6:
    img = data['img'].cuda()
    pc_data_dict = data['pc_data_dict']
    for key in pc_data_dict:
        for j in range(len(pc_data_dict[key])):
            pc_data_dict[key][j] = torch.squeeze(pc_data_dict[key][j]).cuda()  
    pc_data_dict['feats'] = torch.squeeze(pc_data_dict['feats']).cuda() 
    K = torch.squeeze(data['K'].cuda())
    K_4 = torch.squeeze(data['K_4'].cuda())
    P = torch.squeeze(data['P'].cuda())  
    coarse_img_mask = torch.squeeze(data['coarse_img_mask']).cuda()      #1/4 size

    pc_kpt_idx = torch.squeeze(data['pc_kpt_idx']).cuda()  #(128)
    fine_center_kpt_coors = torch.squeeze(data['fine_center_kpt_coors']).cuda()  #[3, 128]
    fine_xy = torch.squeeze(data['fine_xy_coors']).cuda()
    fine_pc_inline_index = torch.squeeze(data['fine_pc_inline_index']).cuda()

    img_x = torch.linspace(0, coarse_img_mask.size(-1)-1, coarse_img_mask.size(-1)).view(1,-1).expand(coarse_img_mask.size(-2),coarse_img_mask.size(-1)).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
    img_y = torch.linspace(0, coarse_img_mask.size(-2)-1, coarse_img_mask.size(-2)).view(-1,1).expand(coarse_img_mask.size(-2),coarse_img_mask.size(-1)).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
    img_xy = torch.cat((img_x,img_y),dim=0)

    img_features, pc_features, coarse_img_score, coarse_pc_score, fine_img_feature_patch, fine_pc_inline_feature, fine_center_xy, coarse_pc_points = model(pc_data_dict, img, fine_center_kpt_coors, fine_xy, fine_pc_inline_index, mode)    # [128, 20, 64] ,[128, 2560]

    pc_features_inline = torch.gather(pc_features, index=pc_kpt_idx.expand(pc_features.size(0), args.num_kpt), dim=-1)
    pc_xyz_inline = torch.gather(pc_data_dict['points'][-1].T, index=pc_kpt_idx.unsqueeze(0).expand(3, args.num_kpt), dim=-1)

    img_features_flatten = img_features.contiguous().view(img_features.size(1), -1)
    img_xy_flatten = img_xy.contiguous().view(2, -1)
    img_features_flatten_inline = torch.gather(img_features_flatten, index=coarse_img_kpt_idx.unsqueeze(0).expand(img_features_flatten.size(0), args.num_kpt), dim=-1)
    img_xy_flatten_inline = torch.gather(img_xy_flatten, index=coarse_img_kpt_idx.unsqueeze(0).expand(2, args.num_kpt), dim=-1)

    pc_xyz_projection = torch.mm(K_4, (torch.mm(P[0:3, 0:3], pc_xyz_inline) + P[0:3, 3:]))
    pc_xy_projection = pc_xyz_projection[0:2, :] / pc_xyz_projection[2:,:]

    correspondence_mask = (torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.square(img_xy_flatten_inline.unsqueeze(-1) - pc_xy_projection.unsqueeze(-2)), dim=0)) <= args.dist_thres).float()

    dist_corr = 1 - torch.sum(img_features_flatten_inline.unsqueeze(-1) * pc_features_inline.unsqueeze(-2), dim=0)
    dist_mask = correspondence_mask * dist_corr  # only match got non-zero value
    true_index_list = torch.nonzero(dist_mask, as_tuple=False)
    true_value_list = dist_mask[true_index_list[:, 0], true_index_list[:, 1]].tolist()
    sorted_dist, indices = torch.sort(dist_corr, dim=-1, descending=False)
    topk = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    for k in topk:
        candidate_values = sorted_dist[:, 0:k]
        for i in range(pc_kpt_idx.shape[0]):  # 128
            candidates = candidate_values[i, :].tolist()
            for candidate in candidates:
                if candidate in true_value_list:
                    topk_list[count, k - 1] += 1
    count += 1

    # 将图像和点云投影点从 GPU 移动到 CPU
    img_cpu = img.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy()
    pc_xy_projection_cpu = pc_xy_projection.detach().cpu().numpy()

    # 绘制图像和投影点
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.scatter(pc_xy_projection_cpu[0, :], pc_xy_projection_cpu[1, :], c='r', s=10)
    plt.title(f"Projection of Point Cloud on Image - Step {step}")

acc = torch.mean(topk_list / len(true_value_list), dim=0)
return acc
martin-liao commented 1 month ago
pc_xyz_projection = torch.mm(K_4, (torch.mm(P[0:3, 0:3], pc_xyz_inline) + P[0:3, 3:]))

K_4 is the scaled intrinsic matrix, and the above operation projects the point cloud onto a 1/4 resolution of the image plane. This is the reason why most of the points are in the upper left corner. If you want to project onto the original image plane, please use K instead of K_4. If you have any further concerns, please feel free to contact me.

LoveMYChen commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your help!

martin-liao commented 1 month ago

Since the problem has been resolved, I will close the issue.