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Meeting at TPAC? #181

Closed LJWatson closed 9 months ago

LJWatson commented 1 year ago

We have the opportunity to meet during TPAC (11 to 15 September).

If you would like a 45 minute slot at some point during the week to discuss your incubation, let us know (here) by the end of your day on Wednesday 10 May.

Slots will be limited so if you can include a short description of why you'd like to meet/what you'd like to discuss, that would be helpful.

Thanks /CC @yoavweiss, @marcoscaceres, @cwilso

domfarolino commented 1 year ago

@shivanigithub & I would like a session for fenced frames to discuss future use case designs, as well as modifications to the current use cases.

reillyeon commented 1 year ago

@scheib and I would like a session on low-level device APIs. It would combine work currently incubating in the WICG (WebHID, WebUSB and Web Serial) along with Web NFC from the Web NFC CG and Web Bluetooth from the Web Bluetooth CG. Topics will vary depending on attendance but could include an overview of the current status of the APIs and adoption, discussion of current work on the specifications and implementation reports, and a triage of open issues.

Requested time: 1 hour

reillyeon commented 1 year ago

@b1tr0t and I would like a session on the Isolated Web Apps proposal, currently in incubation. Topics would include a report on implementation status and discussion of community feedback since the proposal was introduced last year.

Requested time: 1 hour

michaelkleber commented 1 year ago

I would like a session on the Protected Audience API (formerly known as FLEDGE), to report on the current implementation state in Chrome and ongoing work. I'm still struggling with the ability to attend TPAC at all vs Rosh Hashanah starting on Friday, though.

[Edit to add: Please schedule this for Mon or Tues, not Fri]

Requested duration: either 1hr or 90min

marcoscaceres commented 1 year ago

Two sessions:

krgovind commented 1 year ago

@johannhof @cfredric and I would like a session for First-Party Sets to discuss adoption/usability improvements for the API in advance of 3pc phase-out in Chrome, any new feature requests, etc.

LJWatson commented 12 months ago

Thanks everyone who has responded so far. We'll be putting the agenda together in the next week or so, so if there are any more meeting time requests, it'd be great if you could post them here ASAP. Thanks.

mgiuca commented 11 months ago

Hi @LJWatson and WICG chairs,

Not sure if a detailed agenda was created yet, but I would also like to request that if there is an agenda item for Isolated Web Apps that it also be on the Monday or Tuesday, not Friday as I am unable to attend on that day.



LJWatson commented 11 months ago

Thanks @mgiuca, everyone. Could you all give us an estimate of the time you think you'll need for your topic? If you can do this by the end of this week, we'll get the agenda posted soon.

reillyeon commented 11 months ago

Edited above.

shivanigithub commented 11 months ago

For the fenced frames session requested above, requested time is 1 hr (but if that's not possible since the original post says 45 mins, then that works too), thanks! Also since I'll be presenting remotely, if possible, can this session be in an EST friendly time?

michaelkleber commented 11 months ago

Edited above

csharrison commented 10 months ago

If it isn't too late I would like to host a session on Mon-Wed on the Attribution Reporting API. Requested time is 1hr. Discussion can highlight a few usability proposals we are considering.

npdoty commented 10 months ago

Is there an agenda/schedule for WICG sessions at TPAC?

a-sully commented 10 months ago

Apologies for the last-minute request, but I'd like to host a 1-hour session on File System. Monday or Friday would be ideal. There are several in-progress and upcoming proposals I'd like to discuss. Thanks!

michaelkleber commented 10 months ago

If the WICG TPAC slot schedule is not yet set, then: PATCG is meeting Monday 14:30-16:30, and it would be great if the Protected Audience API slot could avoid conflicting.

LJWatson commented 10 months ago

We've posted the WICG TPAC agenda. Hopefully we've found time for everything.

There may be times, notably Tuesday and part of Friday, when none of the WICG Chairs is able to attend. The agenda includes some informationon managing meetings that we'd appreciate you following if this encompasses one of your sessions. Thanks.

csharrison commented 10 months ago

Would it be possible to move the Attribution Reporting API meeting to Tuesday? Right now it conflicts with the PATCG meeting.

LJWatson commented 10 months ago

I'll have a go @csharrison, but before I do, can I confirm you'd like it on Tuesday? https://github.com/WICG/admin/issues/181#issuecomment-1699384423 mentioned Monday or Wednesday.

csharrison commented 10 months ago

I'll have a go @csharrison, but before I do, can I confirm you'd like it on Tuesday? #181 (comment) mentioned Monday or Wednesday.

Sorry I was confusing in my previous message, by "Mon-Wed" I was trying to be inclusive of Tuesday, so yes that works for me.

LJWatson commented 10 months ago

No problem @csharrison. The Attribution reporting API session is now on Monday.

@michaelkleber not the Protected Audience API session is now on Tuesday.

michaelkleber commented 10 months ago

Thank you! @LJWatson In case it helps, the Monday schedule shows the PATCG meeting ending at 16:30, while the Monday WICG slot runs to 18:30. So I think the last hour-and-a-half of Monday is another window of non-conflict for me and Charlie.

LJWatson commented 10 months ago

Thanks @michaelkleber. Unless there are definite conflicts with the schedule as it is, I'd rather not play any more Tetris with it 😊

If there are problems though, let me know and I'll do my best to figure them out.

mgiuca commented 10 months ago

Hi @LJWatson . At risk of playing more Tetris, I wonder if it would be possible to move the Isolated Webapps item from Monday 14:30. (It clashes with the 14:30 discussion about i18n of manifests.) Both of these topics are directly relevant to me so I would appreciate it being moved but understand if it's hard for just me.

It could swap with Monday 17:00 Low level device API, or Tuesday 17:00 where there is nothing in this WG. I'm not attending Friday so it won't help to move it then.

I discussed with @reillyeon and he said it was OK to move. If this is too hard, no problem and thanks for your consideration.

michaelkleber commented 10 months ago

Oh no, wait — @LJWatson it looks like you moved the Protected Audience session to conflict with the PATCG meeting, Monday 14:30-16:30, the one block I asked to avoid. (Maybe your comment above had a "Tuesday" when you meant "Monday"?)

This is a direct conflict for both me and everyone I am hoping to attract.

LJWatson commented 10 months ago

OK, @mgiuca and @michaelkleber hopefully that's all sorted now.

michaelkleber commented 10 months ago

Thank you!

mgiuca commented 10 months ago

Thankyou Leonie!

marcoscaceres commented 9 months ago

Closing! See you again next year all.