WICG / aom

Accessibility Object Model
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Support for AOM in assistive technologies #139

Open TechThomas opened 5 years ago

TechThomas commented 5 years ago

I'm interested in implementing AOM for some AR/VR UI components developed for a Graphical User Interface component for for A-Frame VR https://github.com/rdub80/aframe-gui

Do you have a list of AT that support AOM implementations that can be used to validate an implementation? My ideal AT to verify the implementation with would be Google Voice Access, Apple VoiceOver, Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA), Dragon Naturally Speaking, and/or Microsoft Narrator.


alice commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I completely understand the question. Could you give a code example of what you hope should work?

LJWatson commented 5 years ago

@TechThomas Support for the AOM is dependent on the browser rather than the AT. The AOM will enable manipulation of the browser's accessibility tree, but the AT will still obtain information from the accessibility tree in the same way it has always done.

What isn't clear at the moment, is which (if any) browsers) support the first phase of the AOM.

alice commented 5 years ago

I'm still interested in what use case @TechThomas would like to support here - I'd love to work together to make sure the API is as useful as possible, and to make sure we create realistic web platform test cases.

TechThomas commented 5 years ago

@alice apologies for huge delay in response here. I'm going to @LJWatson talk at A11yNYC next week on the AOM Time Traveler's Guide to Accessibility Mechanics Once the first phase of the AOM is available in the browsers I would love to try out an implementation for some A-Frame GUI components.