WICG / attribution-reporting-api

Attribution Reporting API
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questions on obtaining metrics when user goes directly to advertiser site instead of via publisher. #1081

Open j2n5 opened 1 year ago

j2n5 commented 1 year ago

The documentations state that the reports we get are generated when user goes to publisher and then to the advertiser.

  1. Is there a recommended way to obtain conversions and non conversion that have not taken the path from the publisher (no ad)? This is when the user skips the published and goes directly to the advertiser site. This doesn’t seem to generate the reports so how can we then obtain view/impressions and be able to calculate the CTR and what not?

  2. Are debug-keys / source debug key going to be present in production because without it it seems hard to find and sum them up. It seems to be named "debug" so I'm curious.

  3. In the diagram here (from Google's documentation), https://wd.imgix.net/image/O2RNUyVSLubjvENAT3e7JSdqSOx1/bdnt0qHKdPJJYzxU03Xm.png?auto=format&w=741

Are source registration and attribution trigger information visible to adtech? I noticed in adtech.js that it’s able to see this and so I am able to save it to a db however in the documentations, it does not illustrate that adtech has visibility to this.

  1. Can adtech infer the views by using the img pixel loads? Or is it recommended to obtain views from source registration from the browser if we want to get total ad impressions instead of just the ones that come from the event reports

  2. Speaking of Event Reports, if I am trying to obtain information about the no-ad-exposure situation, does this mean that I can only get the Event report after expiration for the no-convert?

  3. If Ad tech can infer the view counts and also has information about the "attribution triggers", as seen in the adtech.js, I'm trying to understand why these are also stored in the browser when the adtech already knows the source registration and attribution triggers. Is this for related to the distribution of trust/ building some intermediatry storage for later use.

csharrison commented 1 year ago

Hey @joon5 ,

  1. ARA is only designed to recover cross-site information (i.e. the join of information across publisher / advertiser sites). If there is no cross-site information required, then ARA will not help you. Can you help me understand what is a "view/impression" when there is no ad?

  2. Debug keys are only available when 3rd party cookies are available. We are working on an aggregate solution when 3rd party cookies are not available: https://github.com/WICG/attribution-reporting-api/issues/705

  3. Yes the assumption is that an ad-tech has visibility to these events. Whether this is actually the case depends on your deployment, but the API requires the registering origin to be the same across source / trigger.

  4. I'm not sure if I understand the question. The API is not designed explicitly to count views, but you can e.g. make a log to your database every time you register a "view" source in the API.

  5. That's correct (if I am understanding you correctly). You will only know there is no conversion using event-level reports if the expiry has passed and no report has been emitted. Note that even then there may be a report pending for an offline browser.

  6. The browser is the only entity that knows the "join" without using identifiers like 3rd party cookies.