WICG / canvas-formatted-text

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Canvas Formatted Text should be harmonized with CSS Houdini, consider past SVG work #10

Open tantek opened 3 years ago

tantek commented 3 years ago

High level feedback on Canvas Formatted Text: Please harmonize this work with the CSS Houdini effort. In addition you may want to take a look at some of the prior work in: SVG2 Chapter 11: Text.

(Originally published at: https://tantek.com/2020/290/b1/)

travisleithead commented 3 years ago

Took a deep-dive into SVG text and CSS Houdini and came to several conclusions that I plan to address in a coming update:

Some potential positive outcomes from these proposed changes include:

With greater integration of CSS, the interaction layer between Canvas drawing state, where that state is overlapping or conflicting with CSS-specified values in the Canvas Formatted Text must be clearly and logically clarified. At present, we do not desire to continue adding more text-formatting properties that are redundant with CSS to the Canvas drawing state when they can be specified using the Canvas Formatted Text object, which offers a clearer path forward for aligning many other relevant CSS line-formatting features.

travisleithead commented 2 years ago

Hi @tantek. The CG met today to talk over the updated documents, including the Formatted Text Metrics proposal. I specifically called out some ways in which this feature can be harmonized with CSS Houdini and DOM in this section: https://github.com/WICG/canvas-formatted-text/blob/main/explainer-metrics.md#thinking-ahead-future-integration-into-dom-or-houdini-layout-api