WICG / compression-dictionary-transport

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Standards positions #23

Closed marcoscaceres closed 1 year ago

marcoscaceres commented 1 year ago

Hi folks working on this! If you haven't already, could you please file standards positions for WebKit and Mozilla? It would be great to get a few more eyes on this from potential implementers:

Thanks in advance!!!

yoavweiss commented 1 year ago

Hey @marcoscaceres! Would it make sense to file for positions now, even with just an explainer? Happy to do that, if that's the case

pmeenan commented 1 year ago

I'll file positions after a little bit more cleanup on the explainer (mostly removing bikeshed- so the actual bikeshedding can start).

Even though it's still early, it would be good to make sure it's on the correct people's radar as early as possible and the explainer has a lot of details already. Given that the spec changes will probably span HTTP, fetch and HTML, this is more of a temporary placeholder while it incubates anyway.

pmeenan commented 1 year ago

Mozilla and Webkit requests for positions have been submitted.