WICG / compression-dictionary-transport

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Content-encoding may be fragile #5

Closed pmeenan closed 1 year ago

pmeenan commented 1 year ago

Content-encoding is the most natural fit for the actual compression but it is likely to also cause adoption problems, at least in the short term.

It's not unusual for the serving path to consider content-encoding to be per-hop instead of end-to-end from the browser to the origin and unless the delta-encoding is being done by the leaf serving node, the sbr encoding is likely to be stripped out.

Browser->>CDN: Accept-encoding: sbr, br, gzip
CDN->>Origin: Accept-encoding: gzip
Origin->>CDN: Content-encoding: gzip
CDN->>Browser: Content-encoding: br

If the actual encoding is done using other headers for negotiation but the content-type remains the same, then the compressed resources will be binary data and may cause other issues for middleboxes (i.e. with something like edge workers, they will be expecting to be processing text HTML, CSS or Javascript payloads). That could be workable for a given origin as long as they control the processing along their serving path.

One deployment model where it could work, but requires explicit support from both origins and CDNs is: