WICG / container-queries

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Replace previous draft with CSS Element Queries draft #7

Closed tomhodgins closed 7 years ago

tomhodgins commented 7 years ago

I notice there's been no update here for almost 2 years, so let's see if we can breathe some new life into this!

This spec covers a container-style element query syntax for CSS that can (as of the version I'm bringing in today) be tested using the EQCSS plugin.

I've been using this syntax for a couple of years in production, and it's evolved over that time to include some features that weren't immediately apparent that we would need them at the start, so before making serious alterations to the proposed syntax I'd ask that people first attempt to use the syntax and the features as they are to suggest better improvements/replacements!

There are many examples of this syntax in use that can be tested, modified, and interacted with here: http://codepen.io/search/pens?q=eqcss&limit=all&type=type-pens