WICG / cookie-store

Asynchronous access to cookies from JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
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Deal with non-UTF-8 cookies #189

Open annevk opened 3 years ago

annevk commented 3 years ago

I think I raised this before, but I don't really see text about it in the specification. If you limit yourself to UTF-8, you need to deal with cookies that do not decode as UTF-8, presumably by dropping them as Chrome appears to do for document.cookie. That should be specified somehow.

I think that means cookies need to use "UTF-8 decode without BOM or fail" from Encoding.

annevk commented 3 years ago

Ideally the way this would be specified is by sharing logic with document.cookie, FWIW. (Something I also raised before.)

inexorabletash commented 3 years ago

Thanks and +1. @bsittler did substantial investigation into cross-browser and API/header behavior with encoding, but I'm not sure that research was retained and was definitely not reflected into the spec.

We should audit test coverage and get coverage/spec updates.

(Sharing w/ HTML also SGTM. PRs/concrete suggestions welcome!)

inexorabletash commented 1 year ago

FYI, here's the current behavior in Chrome:

cookie_test(async t => {
  const value = 'value\u00C6'; // Æ
  const utf8_value = 'value\xC3\x86'; // UTF-8 encoding
  const non_utf8_value = 'value\xC6'; // ISO-8859-1 encoding

  await setCookieBinaryHttp(`utf8=${utf8_value}; path=/`);
  assert_equals(await getCookieBinaryHttp(), `utf8=${utf8_value}`);

  // Set a non-UTF-8 cookie on the server, verify the server thinks it's there.
  await setCookieBinaryHttp(`nonutf8=${non_utf8_value}; path=/`);
  assert_equals(await getCookieBinaryHttp(), `utf8=${utf8_value}; nonutf8=${non_utf8_value}`);

  // document.cookie vs. mixed cookie encodings
  assert_equals(await getCookieStringDocument(), undefined,
                'document.cookie yields nothing if non-UTF-8 cookies served');

  // Cookie Store API vs. mixed cookie encodings
  const cookies = await cookieStore.getAll();
  assert_equals(cookies.length, 2, 'Both cookies are present by name');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === 'utf8'), undefined, 'utf8 cookie present');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === 'utf8').value, value,
      'utf8 cookie value should be preserved');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === 'nonutf8'), undefined,
      'nonutf8 cookie present');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === 'nonutf8').value, '',
      'nonutf8 cookie value is empty');
}, 'Non-UTF-8 cookies dropped by browser and not reflected by API');

Appears to be:

I should also try non-UTF-8 cookie names.

inexorabletash commented 1 year ago


cookie_test(async t => {
  const name = 'name\u00C6'; // Æ
  const utf8_name = 'name\xC3\x86'; // UTF-8 encoding
  const non_utf8_name = 'name\xC6'; // ISO-8859-1 encoding

  await setCookieBinaryHttp(`${utf8_name}=value1; path=/`);
  assert_equals(await getCookieBinaryHttp(), `${utf8_name}=value1`);

  // Set a non-UTF-8 cookie on the server, verify the server thinks it's there.
  await setCookieBinaryHttp(`${non_utf8_name}=value2; path=/`);
      await getCookieBinaryHttp(),
      `${utf8_name}=value1; ${non_utf8_name}=value2`);

  // document.cookie vs. mixed cookie encodings
  assert_equals(await getCookieStringDocument(), undefined,
                'document.cookie yields nothing if non-UTF-8 cookies served');

  // Cookie Store API vs. mixed cookie encodings
  const cookies = await cookieStore.getAll();
  assert_equals(cookies.length, 2, 'Both cookies are present');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === name), undefined, 'utf8 cookie present');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === name).value, 'value1',
    'utf8 cookie value should be preserved');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === ''), undefined, 'nonutf8 cookie name empty');
      cookies.find(c => c.name === '').value, 'value2',
    'nonutf8 cookie value should be preserved');
}, 'Non-UTF-8 cookie names dropped by browser and not reflected by API');

ISTM this behavior would be described (as @annevk mentions) by changing the decode definition to be:

To decode a value, run UTF-8 decode without BOM or fail on value, returning the result if not failure, or the empty string otherwise.

annevk commented 1 year ago

Thanks for playing with this! I think consistently excluding is the way to go, but willing to be convinced of better alternatives.

inexorabletash commented 1 year ago

Seems like 3 options:

  1. For any given part of a cookie - if it fails to decode, yield empty string for that part (i.e. what Chrome appears to be doing).
  2. If any given part of a cookie fails to decode, elide that cookie .
  3. If any given part of any cookie fails to decode, elide all cookies (i.e. what document.cookie appears to do in Chrome)

I think 1 is weird and not intended behavior. I'm optimistic that it's web-compatible to move away from that. Between 2 or 3, any preference?

(Integration between this spec and the RFC is not incredibly rigorous at the moment; I could imagine one approach that takes the cookie-string output of the RFC and re-parses it, which could involve attempting to decode the whole string and therefore option 3 "falls out"? That also seems a bit weird, though.)

annevk commented 1 year ago

Oh, I didn't realize document.cookie excluded all. That does seem weird, yeah.