WICG / deprecation-reporting

Deprecation reporting (from Web Perf WG)
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Report body: disambiguate deprecation timelines #10

Open maudnals opened 2 years ago

maudnals commented 2 years ago

One key information developers need from deprecation reports is whether an API is already deprecated or whether it will be deprecated. Depending on this information, developers will approach the issue differently.


Problem today 💥

Today, by looking at a deprecation report, there's no straightforward way to know whether an API is deprecated or will be deprecated. The optional field anticipatedRemoval isn't sufficient because:

Source: https://wicg.github.io/deprecation-reporting/#deprecation-report

anticipatedRemoval: A JavaScript Date object (rendered as an ISO 8601 string) indicating roughly when the browser version without the specified API will be generally available (excluding "beta" or other pre-release channels). This value should be used to sort or prioritize warnings. If unknown, this field should be null, and the deprecation should be considered low priority (removal may not actually occur).

Proposed solution ☑️

Extend the report body with two new fields:

anticipatedRemoval remains, but can be present only if deprecated is false. If deprecated is false and anticipatedRemoval is absent, it means, like in today's spec, that the removal may not actually occur.

⁉️ Open question: Should the dates in removedSince and anticipatedRemoval be actual human readable dates? Or should they be browser versions?

maudnals commented 2 years ago

Developer journey with the proposed solution 👩🏻‍💻

"Alice" = developer

agektmr commented 2 years ago

Bump. I consider deprecation reports is one of key pieces to help developers catching up with the current rapid evolution. How can we get this sorted?