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Consider using DOMHighResTimestamp instead of DOMTimeStamp #32

Closed yoavweiss closed 3 years ago

yoavweiss commented 3 years ago

We're considering our options RE DOMTimeStamp, and wondering what it's used for. It seems less well-defined than DOMHighResTimestamp. Would y'all consider switching over?

See https://github.com/heycam/webidl/issues/2 for discussion.

phoglenix commented 3 years ago

Yes. We don't actually need high precision (we would be happy with a Date with its predefined epoch) but if IDL switches to prefer DOMHighResTimestamp we could switch over.

yoavweiss commented 3 years ago


phoglenix commented 3 years ago

With the v2.0 changes (#34) we no longer use a timestamp at all, so this is obsolete.