Let target browsing context be a new browsing context navigated to the about:blank URL.
This is not really enough. For example, you arguably haven't created a Window or a Document. And we don't generally navigate to about:blank; it's the initial location on which a browsing context starts. And this gives no info on the browsing context group or agent cluster of the created browsing context.
Migrated from https://github.com/steimelchrome/steimelchrome.github.io/issues/9
From domenic@:
" You currently say
Let target browsing context be a new browsing context navigated to the about:blank URL.
This is not really enough. For example, you arguably haven't created a Window or a Document. And we don't generally navigate to about:blank; it's the initial location on which a browsing context starts. And this gives no info on the browsing context group or agent cluster of the created browsing context.
Instead, use https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#creating-a-new-auxiliary-browsing-context . You can get a sense from reading that and the algorithms it calls, all the details you're missing. Thankfully you should just be able to call that algorithm and have it taken care of for you :). "