WICG / fenced-frame

Proposal for a strong boundary between a page and its embedded content
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Please add a formal 'supported until at least 2026' note for deprecatedReplaceInURN #143

Open dmdabbs opened 4 months ago

dmdabbs commented 4 months ago

Please add a formal 'supported until at least 2026' note for deprecatedReplaceInURN on https://developers.google.com/privacy-sandbox/relevance/protected-audience-api/feature-status. There's already a callout for navigator.deprecatedURNToURL().

See discussions here https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/issues/929.

Posting in FF repo since this is where deprecatedReplaceInURN is specified.

Thank you.

blu25 commented 3 months ago

CC @ajvelasquez-privacy-sandbox who will take care of this

ajvelasquez-privacy-sandbox commented 3 months ago

Thanks @blu25 . Yes, @dmdabbs this is in our documentation update queue. Will report back when done