WICG / fenced-frame

Proposal for a strong boundary between a page and its embedded content
120 stars 29 forks source link

Spec disableUntrustedNetwork API surface #146

Open gtanzer opened 3 months ago

gtanzer commented 3 months ago

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gtanzer commented 3 months ago

Addressed comments % a question about "default" vs "initial" values.

domfarolino commented 2 months ago

Can you just "resolve" all comment threads that have been resolved at this point?

domfarolino commented 2 months ago

And resolve the merge conflict that this PR now has with master?

gtanzer commented 2 months ago

@domfarolino Fixed merge conflicts.

The open threads aren't resolved per se. They depend on your response here: (whether I should commit the suggestions or do nothing) https://github.com/WICG/fenced-frame/pull/146/#discussion_r1559812615

domfarolino commented 2 months ago

I don't care which word we use "default" vs "initial". I just want it to be consistent, and this PR makes it inconsistent with https://github.com/WICG/fenced-frame/pull/146/files#diff-6f5a1d8263b0b0c42e2716ba5750e3652e359532647ac934c1c70086ae3ceddaR1213. So I'd either make this PR consistent with https://github.com/WICG/fenced-frame/pull/146/files#diff-6f5a1d8263b0b0c42e2716ba5750e3652e359532647ac934c1c70086ae3ceddaR1213 or make that line consistent with this PR. Whichever word you prefer.