WICG / fenced-frame

Proposal for a strong boundary between a page and its embedded content
125 stars 31 forks source link

Content blocking and the initial implementation of fenced frames #7

Closed felipeerias closed 2 years ago

felipeerias commented 3 years ago

Since the initial implementation of fenced frames will allow network access, my understanding is that existing functionality for blocking specific network requests (e.g. declarativeNetRequest in Chrome) should continue to work as it does now.

Even if the embedding page only sees the opaque urn:uuid value, the requests coming from within the fenced frame will use the actual URL values and will be available for content blocking.

Would it be possible to confirm this?

shivanigithub commented 3 years ago

That is correct. Content blockers will continue to work normally. This is also discussed in the design doc here

felipeerias commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much @shivanigithub

Just to confirm, content blockers will also work during the first load of a fenced frame whose src is an urn:uuid, right?

In other words, that urn:uuid value will be translated into a concrete URL, and that URL will be visible to the filtering functionality during navigation. Is this correct?

shivanigithub commented 3 years ago

Yes, that is the intended behavior.

felipeerias commented 3 years ago

Great, thanks again @shivanigithub