WICG / floc

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Is rss new follow feature going to be part of FLoC? #118

Open marco-ita opened 3 years ago

marco-ita commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, I came across this article https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/20/22445284/google-rss-chrome-android-feature-test and wonder if this is going to be part of FLoC. In theory it could add massive value to profiling activities, but wonder if you guys know or can share something more about it. Thanks.

michaelkleber commented 3 years ago

Interesting idea! Of course if you subscribe to some RSS feed and then actually go read the things you subscribed to, then a FLoC algorithm based on what you read would already pick it up. But it does make sense that "I subscribed to this sort of thing" could be a stronger signal.

During the current "exploration" stage of FLoC, we expect to try more approaches to clustering, so thank you for this feedback suggesting one. Please do be sure you have joined the W3C WICG so that ideas you contribute are covered by its Contributor License Agreement.

marco-ita commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the recommendation Michael. Just joined the W3C.