WICG / floc

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How to pass extra information back to FLoC? #120

Closed og3og closed 3 years ago

og3og commented 3 years ago

After reading the explanation on https://web.dev/floc/#floc-algorithm It mentions that an advertiser site could pass back extra information along with the cohort ID.

How is this done? I see how to get the cohort ID but how do we pass back information about the user's actions back to the FLoC system?

The section I was looking at is "The site records that a browser from cohort 1354 showed interest in hiking boots."


michaelkleber commented 3 years ago

There is no information passed "back to the FLoC system", in the API we've proposed. The web.dev article's discussion where "The site records that a browser from cohort 1354 showed interest in hiking boots" is about how an advertiser might choose to use the FLoC cohort information. We just had a little more discussion on this in #119.

og3og commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response. This makes sense now.

e.g. An advertiser website would pass the FLoC ID and version back to a DSP for them to enhance their systems to later show ads on that cohort and use the extra information accordingly.