WICG / floc

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FLoC features after OT #133

Open shigeki opened 2 years ago

shigeki commented 2 years ago

FLoC OT was already finished, but some users still test FLoC with manually enabled options.

I had an issue that they have the wrong cohort id from unexpected histories when a feature flag of FlocPagesWithAdResourcesDefaultIncludedInFlocComputation is missing as noted in https://github.com/shigeki/floc_simulator/issues/2#issuecomment-905041750.

@samdutton Could you please update your article of https://web.dev/floc/ to avoid unnecessary confusion?
Or it might be one option to stop the current FLoC features completely even when feature options are used.

geeeoff commented 2 years ago

@shigeki - can you say a little more about what you mean by stopping the current FLoC features completely? If you mean that Chrome will no longer respond to document.interestCohort(), I think it is very beneficial to keep that in place to allow folks to continue to experiment and plan for the change - even if there are some zigs and zags leading up to the GA release.

shigeki commented 2 years ago

Google is considering a new algorithm and API for improvements from OT feedbacks. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/111/materials/slides-111-pearg-lets-talk-about-floc-00. That could be incompatible with the current FLoC so that it is no longer needed to be public now. But it is their choice.

geeeoff commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing the link. Until they publish changes officially, I don't think it makes sense to disable the current features.