WICG / floc

This proposal has been replaced by the Topics API.
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FLoC is a terrible idea, remove this code from all browsers #135

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Tracking concerns

I have a concern about this tracking method. Google has lied before. Will it stop lying now? I don't think so. Look at this. Will this change your mind about FLoC?

dmarti commented 2 years ago

Welcome to the web advertising version of the Trolley Problem. Flipping the FLoC switch will divert some "trolley cars" (ad money and, following it, ad-supported content) from the legit web site "track" to the social media and large video site "tracks."

Unlike the simple version of the problem presented on philosophy sites, it's hard for the browser developer of today to see how many users will be at risk on each track in the future. The best argument for FLoC is that it will impose a relatively low level of harm on users compared to the harms caused by diverting the ad money to large, systemically risky platforms.