WICG / inert

Polyfill for the inert attribute and property.
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“So every modal dialog must be outside the inert container?” #165

Closed simevidas closed 3 years ago

simevidas commented 3 years ago

This question was asked on Twitter. Sorry, I’m not familiar with the proposal, so I thought I’d re-post the question here. I hope that’s not a problem.

robdodson commented 3 years ago

For sure, thanks for posting it @simevidas

Yes, a modal dialog has to be outside of the inert container. We did discuss the idea of letting items inside of the inert container "punch through" but we were concerned that would be chaotic. For example, imagine you load an ad (or some other third party iframe) into a page, and it uninerts itself (or something inside of itself). This could either break your modal dialog experience, or potentially worse, lead to an unexpected security issue (because you have have something inside of an iframe that's active when you don't expect it to be).