WICG / inert

Polyfill for the inert attribute and property.
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Status of incubation #195

Open marcoscaceres opened 1 year ago

marcoscaceres commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, it looks like this incubation has been extremely successful: browser implementations and specified in HTML.

The @WICG/chairs are wondering what the plan is from here for this community, as the goal of the incubation has been achieved.

Is the plan to incubate more things or is there ongoing work to just maintain the polyfill?

robdodson commented 1 year ago

Tagging in @alice and @bkardell for their thoughts

I don't know of any plans to do additional work with the wicg/inert repo. It's mostly become a place to hold the code for the polyfill. Once inert lands in Firefox I was going to add a note to the readme to recommend that people stop using the polyfill, similar to what we did for focus-visible

bkardell commented 1 year ago

I had no plans to incubate something new with regard to inert here. I would like to know what happens/happened with other things like this that have been successful. I mean, I agree with @robdodson below at least

Once inert lands in Firefox I was going to add a note to the readme to recommend that people stop using the polyfill, similar to what we did for focus-visible

but maybe there's a better thing we could/should do -- what do the chairs suggest @marcoscaceres ?

marcoscaceres commented 1 year ago

@robdodson suggestion seems great. What we should think about is if we plan to maintain the polyfills and maybe we could sunset those after, say, another a year or two after all browsers have support? That should hopefully give everyone enough time to move away from the pollyfill, plus also an opportunity to fix any last minute incoming/maintenance bugs.

Then we should archive the repos and direct folks to the appropriate W3C/WHATWG place.

robdodson commented 1 year ago

What we should think about is if we plan to maintain the polyfills

Since I've left Google I haven't really had time to work on these so, barring any major issues, I wasn't planning to do any further updates. But if other folks have bandwidth to address any maintenance issues that come up, that would be great.

Maybe we could sunset those after, say, another a year or two after all browsers have support?

Sounds good to me. Aside from updating the README once Firefox ships to encourage people to switch to using the built-in version, are there any other things we should do right now to help with the sunsetting?

Then we should archive the repos and direct folks to the appropriate W3C/WHATWG place.
