WICG / interventions

A place for browsers and web developers to collaborate on user agent interventions.
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Intervention: Throttle Loading in background #60

Closed toyoshim closed 2 years ago

toyoshim commented 6 years ago

The idea is to limit the number of in-flight resource loading requests in background tabs or frames.

Chrome is experimenting with this idea on m61+.

Rough algorithm

I'm exploring the best limit number for the main frame, and subframes respectively.

33 and #59 is related, and #59 would overrides this throttling behavior after the N mins

/cc @skyostil @altimin @spanicker

bzbarsky commented 6 years ago

It's not clear to me why this is an intervention, in the sense of "spec violation that improves things". This behavior is allowed already by existing specs.

toyoshim commented 6 years ago

Oops. That's right. I just thought it would help to share this because #59 's implementation depends on this. But you are right, this won't be a spec violation.

I may keep this issue open if this is still useful or worth sharing here. But if this is not a right place, just closing now is fine.


ojanvafai commented 6 years ago

It fits under the broader category of "change from long-standing behavior that web developers might be affected by." Whether specs allow it or not doesn't seem like the critical distinction to me.

But, I agree this is borderline.

domenic commented 2 years ago

As Boris says, this is already allowed by specs. Similar to https://github.com/WICG/interventions/issues/59#issuecomment-1101570925, we can work on speccing this if we have some evidence sites have started to depend on it, but in the meantime we'll lean on the fact that Fetch does not mandate any particular connection speed, and close this issue.