WICG / observable

Observable API proposal
546 stars 12 forks source link

Please read the theory before fatal implementation #92

Open nin-jin opened 6 months ago

nin-jin commented 6 months ago

Theory of Reactivity: https://dev.to/ninjin/main-aspects-of-reactivity-58co Auto Wire Proposal: https://gist.github.com/nin-jin/6b9765fb9d0d50c2e1d37689008f5357 Benchmark of reactive libs: https://page.hyoo.ru/#!=3ia3ll_rcpl7b Close to ideal impementation: https://page.hyoo.ru/#!=yj0h42_ixzv4p

Rx-like reactivity is the worst way in the theory: image

And in the practice: image image

ljharb commented 6 months ago

You may want to read https://github.com/kriskowal/gtor

nin-jin commented 6 months ago

Sorry, right link: https://dev.to/ninjin/main-aspects-of-reactivity-58co