WICG / private-network-access

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Skip CORS header checks for preflights only sent for PNA #116

Closed johnathan79717 closed 5 months ago

johnathan79717 commented 9 months ago

To protect navigations to private network devices, we might also send preflights before the actual request. Currently, if the request's mode is 'navigate', the fetch algorithm only runs a scheme fetch. We will probably need to modify it so that it can send a preflight for navigations.

johnathan79717 commented 8 months ago

While prototyping, I found that Chrome sends a long Accept header in navigation requests that exceeds the safe 128 character limit, resulting the requests failing CORS checks. Would it be reasonable to relax the restriction to, say 256?

annevk commented 6 months ago

It seems to me that the only determination for a non-CORS-PNA preflight request should be around the request's URL's host.

Why are you looking at the request's header list at all?

johnathan79717 commented 6 months ago

I guess it's just that when we hooked the implementation onto Chrome's existing CORS implementation, it triggers the same header checks as other CORS preflight requests. I take it that specification-wise, the non-CORS-PNA preflight requests don't need to go through the same checks? In that case, I'll try to update our implementation and try to avoid the same checks on those non-CORS-PNA preflight requests.

annevk commented 6 months ago

I guess I don't really understand what reusing CORS directly would mean here. The threat model is completely different. In these navigation requests the headers are not attacker-controlled. And the only condition we use for sending a preflight or not is whether or not we target a different IP address space. To see if that new IP address space is okay with us contacting it. I don't see how headers would be an additional consideration.

johnathan79717 commented 5 months ago

Updated the explainer in https://github.com/WICG/private-network-access/commit/190f5d71ee6d782a1821a03947ab679d90fddda5