WICG / private-network-access

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The term "non-fetch requests" is confusing #129

Closed domenic closed 4 months ago

domenic commented 4 months ago

Referring to https://github.com/WICG/private-network-access/blob/main/permission_prompt/explariner_non-fetch_requests.md

"non-fetch requests" implies to me requests that don't go through https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/. However, there are supposed to be no such requests on the web platform.

The ones this document mentions

it doesn't handle iframes or HTML src attributes

definitely go through fetch: for iframes it is https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#create-navigation-params-by-fetching step 19.5, and e.g. for img src it is https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#update-the-image-data step 26.

Because of this foundational issue, I'm not sure what this explainer is attempting to accomplish.

johnathan79717 commented 4 months ago

This explainer is for fetches that were not initiated by the Fetch API which therefore don't currently have a way to pass in the targetAddressSpace. However, I can totally see why it's confusing. Maybe call them "non-API fetches"? Or any other name suggestions?

domenic commented 4 months ago

Non-API fetches is pretty reasonable!

iVanlIsh commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the advise! I'm thinking about Content Security Policy for Private Network Access Permission to relax mixed content. Will that look more straightforward?

domenic commented 4 months ago

As long as the term "non-fetch requests" is fixed in the body, I don't think the title matters that much for me.