WICG / private-network-access

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Discrepancy between how CORS-preflight fetch (append) and PNA (set) add headers #132

Open jub0bs opened 4 months ago

jub0bs commented 4 months ago

In CORS-preflight fetch, preflight-request headers Access-Control-Request-Method and Access-Control-Request-Headers are appended to the preflight request's header list, e.g.

Append (Access-Control-Request-Method, request’s method) to preflight’s header list.

However, in section 3.4.2 of the draft report (more specifically, in step, request header Access-Control-Request-Private-Network is not appended to, but set in the preflight request's header list:

Set "Access-Control-Request-Private-Network" to "true" in preflight’s header.

I'm not sure whether this discrepancy is warranted. I believe it to be inconsequential (?) but, for consistency, adopting the Fetch standard's wording/operation (append rather than set) would perhaps be preferable.