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Embedded preferred-image-rendering metadata #98

Open jonsneyers opened 1 year ago

jonsneyers commented 1 year ago


Raster images can be rescaled (in particular upscaled) in various ways. The image-rendering CSS property can be used to control this. For photographic images, generally some kind of smooth interpolation is preferable, while for pixel art, generally nearest-neighbor upsampling is preferable. Which type of rescaling algorithm to use is in reality a property that is tied to the image content, and controlling it externally through CSS is not convenient. In this sense, the property is somewhat similar to image orientation: it is a property of the image itself — which is why for orientation, the CSS property image-orientation can even no longer be used to adjust the orientation of an image, and embedded Exif metadata is used instead. For image-rendering though, there currently is no way to embed this information in an image file itself, and the image-rendering CSS property is the only way to control the choice of rescaling method.

Use Cases

Pixel art

When sharing pixel art images, the artist wants to ensure that the image will be viewed in the intended way, i.e. with image-rendering: pixelated. If they are sharing the image on their own website, they can do that using CSS. However this information gets lost when the image gets downloaded and cannot be conveyed when uploading the image to e.g. social media or a typical CMS.

To circumvent this problem, artists have resorted to various 'tricks', such as:

These methods to circumvent the problem are obviously bad for both compression and performance.

High-density displays

Displays with very high densities are becoming increasingly popular, e.g. DPR 3 or even higher. While in the past the rule of thumb was that images should be at least as large as the actual display size they will be rendered at (so the browser effectively only has to downscale, not upscale), so they don't look blurry, this is now no longer the case: when displays densities are exceeding 'retina' resolution, it makes sense to send images at a lower resolution (say DPR 2) and to rely on browser upscaling. This makes it more important than in the past to have convenient control over the way the upscaling is done.


On mobile devices like phones, manually zooming in on an image is a commonly used action. This typically causes the browser to upscale the image. Having better image-specific control over the way this is done can help to ensure optimal viewing conditions.


Have a way to embed the preferred image-rendering choice in the image file itself, so the intended rendering will be used automatically and by default, rather than requiring custom CSS.

Proposed Solution

The most straightforward solution would be to add or repurpose an Exif or XMP metadata field to store the preferred-image-rendering information in a way that remains tied to the image and that works for any image format that supports Exif/XMP.

Browsers and image viewers would then inspect this field and use it in the case of image-rendering: auto. When image-rendering has a custom non-auto value, it would still override the preferred-image-rendering choice.

For an image that does not have this metadata, nothing changes compared to the current situation.

A modifier or-from-image could be added to the image-rendering CSS field to indicate that the setting only applies to images that do not have an embedded preferred-image-rendering choice, so for example image-rendering: smooth or-from-image would mean "use the smooth scaling algorithm by default, but if the image file itself indicates a different preferred-image-rendering, use that instead".


See also the use cases above.

On a platform to share digital art, an artist making pixel art could upload a PNG (or lossless WebP) with metadata indicating preferred-image-rendering: pixelated, while another artist making cartoons could upload an AVIF with metadata indicating preferred-image-rendering: crisp-edges, and yet another artist making photo-realistic paintings could upload a JPEG with metadata indicating preferred-image-rendering: smooth. The platform can then showcase all these works in the way the artists intended them. Moreover, if someone downloads an image from this website, it will still be rendered correctly in their image viewer (assuming it also implements this feature), and if they use it on their own website or elsewhere, it will also still be rendered correctly.

Alternate Approaches

An alternative approach is to set the image-rendering property individually on every image. This significantly complicates markup generation and does not solve the problem of keeping this information tied to the image file object, i.e. the information is lost when the image is downloaded or referenced from another page.

Privacy & Security Considerations

No considerable privacy or security concerns are expected, but we welcome community feedback.

Let’s Discuss

Some open questions for discussion:

jonsneyers commented 1 year ago

Some examples of the workarounds people have resorted to 'in the wild':

Just about any image on https://www.pixilart.com/ is actually a nearest-neighbor upsampled image. As a random example: the image https://art.pixilart.com/c87d6aec15471ff.png consists of 'pixels' that are 13x13 pixels, i.e. it is a 94x128 image that was NN-upsampled to 1222x1664 pixels. The PNG is 27 kb, while it could have been 3 kb if stored at its actual resolution.

On Discord, the following 'pixel art' icon is used to identify new members:

Screen Shot 2023-05-26 at 11 44 52 AM

It is actually a 15 kb SVG file where every pixel is represented as a square <rect>. There are some (likely unintentional) artifacts because they are using non-integer coordinates (e.g. <rect x="30.6667" y="21.6453" width="2.66667" height="2.66667" fill="currentColor"></rect>). This 160-byte PNG file could have been used instead (plus some overhead for the new metadata), provided it gets rendered with image-rendering: pixelated: leaf

In both of these examples, the developers could have used the CSS image-rendering: pixelated instead since they have direct control over the markup, but still they didn't do that and they used these workarounds instead, presumably because of the workflow convenience of having a single file that 'forces' the preferred image-rendering.