WICG / protected-auction-services-discussion

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Hybrid BYOS/TKV Protocol Proposal #77

Open dmdabbs opened 2 months ago

dmdabbs commented 2 months ago

I was unable to attend the 3 July call and am catching up from the meeting notes posted today.

  • Hybrid protocol – modify v2 protocol so that a single request can go to both BYOS and TKV servers. This is meant to be a temporary measure, and when the enforcement starts only TKV mode will be supported. The benefits of the hybrid protocol are:

    • enables piecemeal migration. AdTechs can migrate pieces of their logic and asses the cost/latency and other parameters before fully committing
    • allows keeping parts of the logic that are not currently supported by TKV in BYOS, while moving the rest to TKV.
  • Encrypted + plain text payload.

  • Encrypted visible only on tee-kv

  • Current byos acts as orchestration + lookup, can see plaintext only

Is there a doc that proposes how a buyer would opt into the new behavior, &c.?

Itay: Value 2: Enables extra signals on the buyer side (page url and couple of other things).

Yes, full page url has been discussed. What other things are under consideration?

lx3-g commented 2 months ago

Hello David,

Your questions above should be covered once we publish public explainers.

Thank you, Alexander

dmdabbs commented 2 months ago

Thank you. Looking forward to it. 👍