WICG / shared-storage

Explainer for proposed web platform Shared Storage API
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Clarifying my understanding of the Shared Storage API proposal #14

Closed rwiens closed 2 years ago

rwiens commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to understand how this proposal might work for cross-domain A/B experiments (e.g.trying to enable the same treatment on the same subset of users across 2 different websites). I've described below what my current understanding is of how the Shared Storage API proposal works as well as some questions on parts I'm unsure of. Could you please help clarify any parts I misunderstood?

Shared Storage

Anyone can write to the shared storage but there are limits on who and what content can be read from it.


Websites can also write functions (called "worklets") that Chrome will execute in-browser based on the contents of the shared storage. The worklets can edit the shared storage, trigger the aggregated reporting workflow, or return content in an opaque URL, but not anything beyond that.

Aggregated Reporting

The only way to get info back about your treatment is sending metrics in aggregate.

jkarlin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the questions!

Question: How do you prevent domains stomping on one another's content? And what prevents a company from reading a different company's content?

Data is stored per origin. So if you're in