WICG / transfer-size

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TAO opt-in: pros, cons, and implementation #1

Open igrigorik opened 7 years ago

igrigorik commented 7 years ago

As a thought experiment, let's say we defined Content Size to require mandatory TAO opt-in:

The above model means we can expose exact byte counts. The embedder wouldn't see the specific resources fetched by the nested context, but it would know their total size.

The downside to the above is that it requires explicit opt-in by the emdedded content.. which may or may not be practical for some of the use cases we'd like this be used in.

yoavweiss commented 7 years ago

I think that is the best route forward, assuming we can pull it off and convince most third parties that they must add TAO headers.

I guess the biggest question here is if there are third party use-cases that would violate user privacy by enabling TAO (e.g. widgets that change resources fetched based on user login/preference/unread messages, etc).

csharrison commented 7 years ago

I'm concerned this would be extremely difficult in practice. Do we have a sense for a minimum number of third parties which we would need to add TAO header to enable even a single ad to render correctly (assuming we block resources without TAO)? My hunch is that it would be a big effort.

jkarlin commented 7 years ago

I agree with csharrison@. The primary use-case for size policy is to restrict third-party ads and social widgets so that publishers have more control over the user experience of their pages. If you require TAO then the publisher really doesn't have any more control than before.