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Real Time Feedback and win notifications #175

Open dialtone opened 3 years ago

dialtone commented 3 years ago

As discussed in a previous IWABG meeting, the current set of specifications in the sandbox don't provide a mechanism for DSP, publisher and SSP to receive a notification in real time (or close to real time) in case of a winning outcome of a bid.

Use cases that today depend in large or small part on real time feedback sent to all parties are:

Also as added benefit, in a 1st price auction mechanism this system would allow the DSP to reduce the bid price to avoid sub optimal performance of the advertising campaigns.

The proposal presented in the IWABG meeting was asking to implement a report_win callback, to be called only when 2nd price auction was chosen to avoid leakage, to allow for this feedback loop to happen. During the discussion though it was made clear that the approach preferred would have been to introduce some noise to the process instead and potentially report regardless of auction type.

Considering the criticality of this feature it would be nice if we could see some of the suggested implementation details in the privacy sandbox specs.

dialtone commented 3 years ago

@csharrison Adding you here for notification

dialtone commented 3 years ago

I realize I didn't add needed latencies here but generally it would be particularly useful to be at most in the single digit minutes latency, imagine a campaign with a very small budget targeting a big set of FLoC or a site or a big interest group. In these cases there's a real chance of running out of budget before even 5 minutes have gone by if the customer sets the campaign up with the right, or should I say wrong, combination of parameters.

The win price to be communicated doesn't need to be any better than current CPM values to the cents precision. Our current control mechanism control in a more fine grained way than that but overall cents would be fine.

michaelkleber commented 3 years ago

Per discussion in today's WICG call, @dialtone, please do add some more information about the latency needs for the various use cases. In particular, we discussed how use cases like individual-user frequency capping are probably not a good use of this sort of technology — that should be handled with entirely on-device information flow. But for the use cases that are about aggregating across many devices, we'd like to hear more about the latency needs.

skaurus commented 3 years ago

In our case, the following features are depending on campaign reporting:

It is fairly easy to overspend a limit of a good-performing campaign, so we slow down campaigns as they get close to the limit, the closer the slower. Also, it should be noted that some DSPs have limits not in events, but in money. In any case, overspending of the limit is on DSP's shoulders.

My guess is that latency of half an hour should not harm these features for us.

skaurus commented 3 years ago

Maybe the latency should be measured not only in time, but also in the number of events? If there are a lot of events, it is easier to hold privacy guarantees with a shorter latency. Also, in the same conditions, it is easier to overspend and so it is more important to have this shorter latency.

michaelkleber commented 3 years ago

Thank you @skaurus, all good points.

I agree that "slow down a campaign as it reaches its budget" is the sort of use case we ought to support. And I agree that the noise-related and timing-related privacy concerns are much smaller if there are a bunch of events in the time interval.

dialtone commented 3 years ago

Out of the usecases above:

Solvable separately

vladimanaev commented 4 months ago

This discussion from the mid 2021 is very important one.

Would be nice if we could see some of the suggested implementation details in the privacy sandbox specs in regards to mentioned use-cases in current framework and when Private Aggregation API will be in place.