Detecting invalid traffic (IVT) is an essential part of the ads ecosystem and often relies on:
Human Analysis for manual investigations, discovering new attacks and developing new IVT models
Training and deploying Automated IVT detection models
However, the use of aggregated reporting within FLEDGE makes the above IVT use cases challenging. We’ve written up a proposal called ASTRAPIA to address how FLEDGE could be extended to better support these key IVT detection use cases.
We look forward to further discussing ASTRAPIA or other ideas for supporting FLEDGE and IVT detection either here or as an issue in Thanks!
Hi @SpaceGnome, could you please update your GitHub profile with your name and affiliation? It's important to know who's contributing to standards discussions.
Detecting invalid traffic (IVT) is an essential part of the ads ecosystem and often relies on:
However, the use of aggregated reporting within FLEDGE makes the above IVT use cases challenging. We’ve written up a proposal called ASTRAPIA to address how FLEDGE could be extended to better support these key IVT detection use cases.
We look forward to further discussing ASTRAPIA or other ideas for supporting FLEDGE and IVT detection either here or as an issue in Thanks!