WICG / web-app-launch

Web App Launch Handler
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I tried the Chrome Origin Trial "Declarative Link Capturing", didn't work, is there a live working demo? #29

Closed ZYinMD closed 3 years ago

ZYinMD commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to enable this feature for my PWA, here's what I did:

  1. Sign up for the Chrome Origin Trial "Declarative Link Capturing" at https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/register_trial/4285175045443026945
  2. Got a token.
  3. Put the token in a meta tag: <meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="my_token" /> in the index.html of my PWA.
  4. Add a field in manifest: "capture_links": "existing-client-navigate",
  5. Deploy
  6. Visit my PWA using Chrome v91 or v92 (I used Chrome Beta and Canary).
  7. Install the PWA.
  8. Restart Chrome, and visit the url of my PWA again.

At this point, I expect the url to be launched via my installed PWA, not in a tab. However, nothing seems to have changed - the url is still opened in a tab.

Did I misunderstand the trial? If not, is there a live demo of a PWA that has implemented this trial so I can visit it and experience it?

alancutter commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the confusion, we don't support "existing-client-event" yet. I'll have the origin trial description updated to reflect this. Here is an example site using the origin trial: https://hill-glitter-tree.glitch.me/

ZYinMD commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'm still confused about your answer. Do you mean I'll need to both enable the trial and enable the chrome flag to make it work?

alancutter commented 3 years ago

Oh sorry there's one more limitation; this is only available on Chrome OS at the moment while we're consolodating implementation details.