WICG / web-otp

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Email OTP #49

Closed samuelgoto closed 3 years ago

samuelgoto commented 4 years ago

There are a couple of ways I think this could go.

The first way, I'm thinking we would need some sort of convention with email providers (the same way we needed a convention for SMS messages).

It would seem we would need two parts:

(a) a machine-readable convention inside the email email with the OTP code and (b) some sort of browser API that allows an email provider to push/pull the OTP to/from the browser.

On (a), maybe something along the lines of a meta tag inside of the HTML email body would get the job done?

<meta name="one-time-code" content="1234">

On (b), something along the lines of browser API to push the code to the browser:

navigator.credentials.store({type: "email", audience: "https://example.com", otp: "1234"});

Or maybe an API that allows browsers to pull (maybe something like /.well-known/one-time-code?) as opposed to waiting for the push. For example:

GET /.well-known/one-time-code HTTP/1.1
Host: www.email.com

Responds with:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/json; charset=UTF-8

{"otp": 123}

A website would call the WebOTP API passing the transport type = email to request it:

let {otp} = await navigator.credentials.get({transport: "email"});

Or declaratively:

<input autocomplete="one-time-code">


samuelgoto commented 4 years ago

The other way we could go about this is with a registration API and double signed certificates, which would allow the browser mint new credentials. Something along the lines of:

navigator.registerEmailProvider((publicKey) => {
  // publicKey is a new key that the browser generates that can be used
  // to generate new assertions
 return ...

A web-based email client would call that API and relying parties would call the WebOTP API to get new assertions minted:

let jwt = await navigator.credentials.get({transport: "email"});

And the JWT would contain two assertions:

1) one from the email provider delegating minting credentials to publicKey and 2) one from the publicKey, minting credentials tied to a specific origin / audience


samuelgoto commented 3 years ago

Ok, I've written down more about this, so resolving this:


Lets follow up on that repo and have a discussion there.