WICG / web-preferences-api

The Web Preference API aims to provide a way for sites to override the value for a given user preference (e.g. color-scheme preference) in a way that fully integrates with existing Web APIs.
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WebIDL #10

Closed tabatkins closed 10 months ago

tabatkins commented 10 months ago

Your current API block is written in something that I guess is TS-derived? Here's the WebIDL that we'd want in an actual spec:

partial interface Navigator {
  readonly attribute PreferenceManager preferences;

interface PreferenceManager {
  // null means the preference is not overridden
  attribute ColorSchemePref?  colorScheme;
  attribute ContrastPref?  contrast;
  attribute ReducedMotionPref?  reducedMotion;
  attribute ReducedTransparencyPref?  reducedTransparency;
  attribute ReducedDataPref? reducedData;
  // Future preferences can be added here, the exact properties will be down to the browser support.

  Promise<sequence<PreferenceSupportData>> getSupported();

enum ColorSchemePref { "light", "dark" };
enum ContrastPref { "no-preference", "more", "less" };
enum ReducedMotionPref { "no-preference", "reduce" };
enum ReducedTransparencyPref { "no-preference", "reduce" };
enum ReducedDataPref { "no-preference", "reduce" };

interface PreferenceSupportData {
  readonly attribute DOMString name;
  readonly attribute FrozenArray<DOMString> values;

(Using enumerations like this makes things somewhat self-documenting. However, the default behavior for an attribute that's set to a value not in the enum is to just ignore the set, rather than throw: https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#idl-enums. We can override that manually, if desired, but matching platform convention is probably better.)

lukewarlow commented 10 months ago

Thanks for this! I meant to look into writing the WebIDL but TypeScript felt easier initially. I'll copy this in to my latest change.

lukewarlow commented 10 months ago

I've also updated the setting an invalid value to be a no-op rather than an exceptional event.

lukewarlow commented 10 months ago

Decided to make a start on a bikeshed document for a "spec" it's no where near done but mostly just copying the readme into a bikeshed format.


tabatkins commented 10 months ago

I think what you've got is more than enough to get started with; no sense spending more effort on formatting until it proves necessary.