WICG / webcomponents

Web Components specifications
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Proposal: DocumentFragment.prototype.getElementByPart(name) #1021

Closed clshortfuse closed 11 months ago

clshortfuse commented 11 months ago

First off, this is not related to the DOM Parts API. This is related to the [part] attribute and ::part() CSS syntax

Essentially, instead of my current structure is

Interpolate (once):

Store References (once per element):


As it stands, there's only one DOM walk needed and it's on interpolation. While getElementById is faster, likely because it's indexed by the browser, than walking the nodes, using an XPath, or querySelector([part="foo"]), it gets convoluted when the ID is needed for anchor destinations (#hash).

Because [part] is "just as unique" as [id], but without the conflict with HTMLAnchorElement, it should be "just as good" as getElementById.

I had considered if this should be on ShadowRoot's prototype, but that would mean you would have to attach it to the ShadowRoot first, before you can find the nodes. There is some value to do more DocumentFragment manipulation before landing on the active document.

Mixing in with DOM-Parts could be interesting, though I'd imagine the API will get renamed before shipping: https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/902

Jamesernator commented 11 months ago

Because [part] is "just as unique" as [id]

Parts are in no way unique, you can have as many parts with the same name as you want:

    #wrapper::part(someName) {
        color: blue;

<div id="wrapper">
    <template shadowrootmode="closed">
        <!-- All of these elements will be styled by the ::part(someName) selector -->
        <p part="someName">Part 1</p>
        <p part="someName">Part 2</p>
clshortfuse commented 11 months ago

Thanks. That's my ignorance on this subject. I wasn't aware.

clshortfuse commented 11 months ago

There is a https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shadow-parts/#shadow-root-part-element-map and maybe there's some value in access to that map, but I'd have to reassess a new proposal with that in mind.