WICG / webcomponents

Web Components specifications
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2024 TPAC planning #1065

Open rniwa opened 1 month ago

rniwa commented 1 month ago

Are there any topics we should discuss during TPAC in breakout sessions?

justinfagnani commented 1 month ago

A few things I'd like to discuss:

I don't know if they all warrant their own session or should be grouped.

rniwa commented 1 month ago

@Westbrook : anything to add?

Westbrook commented 1 month ago

The couple of things I can think of based on our recent meetings:

Baring any bad news, they should all fit as smaller conversations in a larger window, rather than needing their own individual blocks.

rniwa commented 1 month ago

Proposed scoped custom element registry as session: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2024-breakouts/issues/26

rniwa commented 1 month ago

Proposed open styleable shadow tree & theming as a session: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2024-breakouts/issues/27

rniwa commented 1 month ago

Proposed DOM parts as a session: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2024-breakouts/issues/28

rniwa commented 1 month ago

Proposed CSS modules as a session: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2024-breakouts/issues/29

rniwa commented 1 month ago

Proposed Web Components & ARIA as a session: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2024-breakouts/issues/30

justinfagnani commented 4 weeks ago

Re: DOM Parts. I wrote down one of the things I was thinking of as a motivation for DOM Parts outside of the pure performance vs a library of the low-level API, declarative templates in JS: https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/1069