WICG / webcomponents

Web Components specifications
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Place to chat about Web Components standardization #956

Open annevk opened 2 years ago

annevk commented 2 years ago


Some of us decided to create a place on Matrix where we can "hang out" and chat about Web Components standardization: https://matrix.to/#/#web-components:matrix.org. (If you'd like more context around Matrix see https://whatwg.org/chat for some links, it's essentially a more modern version of IRC.)

It's not particularly active right now, but it could be with your help. 😊 And we can use it during meetings for coordination.

Hope to see you there!

Westbrook commented 2 years ago

Interesting! We’ve been organizing the Web Components Community Group via this Slack for the last year or so and it’s been going pretty well. It’ll be cool to see even more discussion around web components at large!!