WICG / webmonetization

Proposed Web Monetization standard
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Coil is dead #306

Closed faraixyz closed 1 year ago

faraixyz commented 1 year ago

From Coil:

When we started Coil in 2018, Interledger was only an idea. Over the last five years we breathed life into the technology and sparked a vibrant ecosystem around it. Now it’s time to pass the torch to a neutral body in the form of the Interledger Foundation to steward the future development of Interledger.

As part of this evolution, we’ve decided to sunset Coil’s products and development efforts. On February 2, 2023, we will no longer accept sign-ups for the Coil Membership. On March 15, 2023, we will discontinue our service. More detailed information is available in our FAQ.

justmoon commented 1 year ago

... long live Web Monetization!

Coil founder here! Just to give some additional context:

Together, the net result should be that Web Monetization is no longer this thing that only works with Coil (which was never the intent) and both WM and Interledger will be much more accessible for adoption and tinkering.

(Edited to add links to the respective repos.)