WICG / webpackage

Web packaging format
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go/bundle includes hidden .git files by default #842

Open gaycodegal opened 1 year ago

gaycodegal commented 1 year ago

I was packaging an app of mine as a web bundle to test this format https://github.com/gaycodegal/LizardUp/releases/tag/v1.0.0 and found that the web bundle was much larger than I had expected. This turned out to be because I had recently been doing git history with large files, and so my .git folder was larger than the rest of my app. Given many web bundles are likely to just be packaged up github projects, it would probably be wise to not include the .git or any other hidden folders by default, and have these have to be specified manually. Creation of the web bundle was done using the following command:

~/go/bin/gen-bundle -dir LizardUp -baseURL https://gaycodegal.github.io/LizardUp/ -primaryURL https://gaycodegal.github.io/LizardUp/ -o LizardUp.wbn
gaycodegal commented 1 year ago

additionally it seems the -URLList parameter only takes web urls, and thus can't be used as a workaround for this issue

sonkkeli commented 11 months ago

As a work around you could have your source files in a sub-directory like /src or copy the relevant files (without .git or other unwanted dirs/files) into another directory before running the bundle command for it.