WICG / webusb

Connecting hardware to the web.
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Serial alogside webusb #188

Closed goddess1992 closed 4 years ago

goddess1992 commented 4 years ago

It can sometimes be confusing to figure out where the best place is to file an issue or ask a question about a web platform API. Before reporting an issue here please ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you reporting a bug in the WebUSB implementation in a particular browser? If so then please use their issue tracker. For example, the Chromium issue tracker is at https://crbug.com.

  2. Do you have a question about how to use the WebUSB API? Please consider asking on StackOverflow and tag it with "webusb". Questions asked on StackOverflow are better indexed by search engines and so the answers will help other developers. Questions asked here will be answered and the issue closed which makes them much more difficult for others to find.

  3. Have you found a problem with the way this API is specified or have a feature request? File it here.

goddess1992 commented 4 years ago

hello, i am working on a project using Arduino pro micro. every thing is OK But when i want to use serial1 interrupt i have problem. SerialEvent1 is not working and i don't know how to manage it

reillyeon commented 4 years ago

When asking a question please include a description of the steps you have tried and the behavior you have observed. "SerialEvent1 is not working" does not tell someone enough about what you are trying to do and what you have observed. What would you expect it to do if it were working? Of you can, include example code which demonstrates the problem.

This question appears to be unrelated to the WebUSB API. Please reach out on the [Arduino Forums][https://forum.arduino.cc/) for questions about using the Arduino libraries such as Serial.