WICG / webusb

Connecting hardware to the web.
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Driver support in Windows #199

Closed Arcalise08 closed 2 years ago

Arcalise08 commented 2 years ago

So I've created a web app that talks with a label printer over USB. Initially I had issues with "access denied" upon opening the connection however these issues were solved by replacing the label printer driver with a winUSB one(using ziags installer)

I'm on the other side of the project now, it's almost complete and working perfectly. However I'm being told that the driver cannot be replaced as some other software must be able to access it.

So I'm hoping for some clear answers as to what is possible here. The driver being used for the device is just a simple Usbprint.sys driver from Microsoft. Im hoping there some way to either wrap the driver and make it accessible to both winUSB and usbprint or to bypass the access denied and keep the driver the same.

Thank you for your time.

reillyeon commented 2 years ago

I don't think there is a good solution for this problem, particularly on Windows. Only one application can access a USB device interface at a time and on Windows this is further complicated by the driver issues. There is, perhaps, something that could be done to "split" the device within Windows so that two drivers could be loaded simultaneously but that level of kernel programming is outside my experience.