WISDEM / AeroelasticSE

DEPRECATED: Wrapper for the FAST Aeroelastic Code
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OpenMDAO1 Initial #3

Closed aherrema closed 8 years ago

aherrema commented 8 years ago

FAST_VT updated for OpenMDAO 1.x with basic support for FAST 7 and 8. All files with "FST" prefix refer to the FAST 7 workflow using the old variable tree (FST_vartree) whereas files with prefix "FST7" and "FST8" refer to FAST 7 and 8 workflow, respectively, using a new, input-file-structure-agnostic variable tree (FST_vartree_new). Example scripts uploaded to wrapper_examples. Please let me know if you have any questions!

dykesk commented 8 years ago

need to reopen