A blade element momentum method for analyzing wind turbine aerodynamic performance that is robust (guaranteed convergence), fast (superlinear convergence rate), and smooth (continuously differentiable).
Added three new functions to the CCAirfoil class:
1) af_flap_coords() which reads in profiles at a given blade station and adds a flap to them according to the yaml file specifications
2) runXfoil() which takes in arbitrary coordinates and produces aerodynamic polars over a range of angles of attack.
3) AFCorrections() which has some overlap in functionality with eval_unsteady() except that it also applies 3D corrections and extrapolates the polars to +-180 deg
Other minor changes were made to the code to mesh with modifications made to RotorSE for incorporating flaps.
Added three new functions to the CCAirfoil class: 1) af_flap_coords() which reads in profiles at a given blade station and adds a flap to them according to the yaml file specifications 2) runXfoil() which takes in arbitrary coordinates and produces aerodynamic polars over a range of angles of attack. 3) AFCorrections() which has some overlap in functionality with eval_unsteady() except that it also applies 3D corrections and extrapolates the polars to +-180 deg
Other minor changes were made to the code to mesh with modifications made to RotorSE for incorporating flaps.