Closed SamAct closed 6 years ago
@SamAct Did you get past this? I've been getting the CCBlade import error too...
@kilojoules yes as we discussed, changed import: "from ccblade import CCAirfoil, CCBlade" to "from ccblade import CCAirfoil, ccblade as CCBlade_PY" then used 5MW Cat folder from RotorSE. This is checked on CCBlade-master.
Hello, Trying to install WISDEM on ubuntu, when i encountered this issue in CCBlade. I installed all the requirements using something link this:
sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev
etc.The end log of WISDEM reads:
WISDEM 0.1.1 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installed /home/sam/Documents/openmdao-
Attempted to install WISDEM and its sub-plugins: ['Turbine_CostsSE', 'CommonSE', 'Plant_CostsSE', ``'Plant_FinanceSE', 'Plant_EnergySE', 'AeroelasticSE', 'AirfoilPreppy', 'CCBlade', 'DriveSE', ``'DriveWPACT', 'NREL_CSM', 'RotorSE', 'TowerSE', 'pyFrame3DD', 'JacketSE', 'akima', 'pBEAM']
Failed to install: []
Hoping this means all plugins are installed. I run this test--
(openmdao-$ python src/test/
The test output reads:
(openmdao-$ python`` /home/sam/Documents/openmdao- VisibleDeprecationWarning: zmq.eventloop.minitornado is deprecated in pyzmq 14.0 and will be removed.
Install tornado itself to use zmq with the tornado IOLoop.
from zmq.eventloop import zmqstream
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module> from wisdem.turbinese.turbine import MaxTipDeflection
File "/home/anurag/Documents/openmdao-", line 15, in <module>
from rotorse.rotor import RotorSE
File "/home/anurag/Documents/openmdao-", line 17, in <module>
from rotoraerodefaults import CCBladeGeometry, CCBlade, CSMDrivetrain, RayleighCDF, WeibullWithMeanCDF
File "/home/anurag/Documents/openmdao-``/", line 15, in <module>
from ccblade import CCAirfoil, CCBlade as CCBlade_PY
ImportError: cannot import name CCBlade
CCAirfoil was imported but not CCBlade.
from ccblade import CCAirfoil
ccblade doesnt seem to import CCBlade.And I get this error, although python
is installed.The following seems to be working-
import wisdem.lcoe.lcoe_csm_assembly
but not:
import wisdem.lcoe.lcoe_se_assembly
import wisdem.turbinese.turbine
Please suggest what went wrong.