WISE-Community / WISE-VLE--Deprecated--

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). *Note: deprecated and has been merged into the main 'WISE' repository*
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Bug OpenResponse Rich Text Edit Mode: Lock After Submit #263

Closed hirokiterashima closed 11 years ago

hirokiterashima commented 11 years ago

Create an open response step with the following:

  1. rich text editor enabled
  2. lock after submit enabled.

preview step. do work, hit save&lock. You get the "You will not be able to make further edits after submitting this response. Ready to submit?" popup but you can still edit response.

geoffreykwan commented 11 years ago

Done https://github.com/WISE-Community/WISE-VLE/commit/c5c2768178e68fc2363e4d4c340c8e58688b3fe5