WISE-Community / WISE-VLE--Deprecated--

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). *Note: deprecated and has been merged into the main 'WISE' repository*
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Hinging based on student's MatchSequence order #286

Closed hirokiterashima closed 10 years ago

hirokiterashima commented 10 years ago

Request by Jenn: Use ranking outcomes in match sequence step to generate priorities. Hinge step will run priority ranking through a logic filter to show only two possible options at any time (other paths may be grayed out and still visible, or invisible - TBD). Hinge step will also need to keep track of student choices, which will affect outcome of logic filter at each decision point. Logic of hinge step will need to be super smart and will be fleshed out at the appropriate smart.

hirokiterashima commented 10 years ago


to make the branch path order correlate with student's ordering of items in a MatchSequence step, add branchPathOrderCriteria to branching step's content: "branchPathOrderCriteria": { "criteriaNodeId": "node_14.ms", "criteriaMappingArray": [ { "criteriaValue": "choice_0", "pathIdentifier": "A" }, { "criteriaValue": "choice_1", "pathIdentifier": "B" }, { "criteriaValue": "choice_2", "pathIdentifier": "C" } ] }

MatchSequenceNode now has getBranchPathOrderValues function that returns an array of criteria values. For example, ["choice_1","choice_0","choice_2"] -> this would map to path B,A,C ordering in the branch step

Also added these two fields: "maxPathVisible": 2, -> how many paths are visible at one time? "minPathCompleteRequiredForStepCompletion": 2, -> how many paths must a student complete before they can move on to the next step?

committed: https://github.com/WISE-Community/WISE-VLE/commit/079ef0421477237f5e751ee5ee29af4c0b5f4c4e