WISE-Community / WISE-VLE--Deprecated--

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). *Note: deprecated and has been merged into the main 'WISE' repository*
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Excel export with autoscore, max autoscore, teacher score, max teacher auto score #311

Open jonvitale opened 10 years ago

jonvitale commented 10 years ago

Currently Excel downloads include the teacher-given score for any particular step they choose to grade. However, because there is no max score in the downloaded file, it is difficult to tell whether the score represents a high/medium/low quality response.

Additionally, a number of steps are now autoscored (mc, sort, mc within surveys, some open response). It would be useful to have these scores in there own column within Excel. Like above, the maximum score would also be necessary to ensure that we can determine the relative value of these scores.