WISE-Community / WISE-VLE--Deprecated--

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). *Note: deprecated and has been merged into the main 'WISE' repository*
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Sometimes steps fail to load content "jQuery not defined" #82

Open cbradyatinquire opened 12 years ago

cbradyatinquire commented 12 years ago

In several tests, steps of various types (including multiple choice, questionnaire, etc) have failed to load content other than the student response textarea.

This has been seen on 4.2 and on latest-deployment

on latest deployment, the error in firebug looks like

"jQuery is not defined" and occurs in: http://localhost:8080/vlewrapper/vle/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom.min.js on line 17.

THIS can be worked around by reloading the page. It does not always work, but we have not found a case where it will not eventually work.

On stable deployment, we have found that it is more common when you move through steps by the step-listing (left-hand navigation bar) than when you use the arrows at top-right of the vle interface.

hirokiterashima commented 12 years ago

Assigned to Jon.

This sounds familiar, but it's not happening anymore on my local machine, cannot reproduce.

breity commented 12 years ago

This is most likely due to a jQuery plugin trying to do something before jQuery has loaded. I've been fixing these problems when I come across them with various step types by adding dependencies to require the jQuery source before each plugin.